Jason Liebowitz, MD

Jason Liebowitz, MD

Jason Liebowitz, MD, completed his fellowship in rheumatology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he also earned his medical degree. He is currently in practice with Skylands Medical Group, N.J.

The metaverse: a new frontier for rheumatology

Dr Jason E Liebowitz joins Dr Marwan Bukhari to discuss the metaverse and how the field of rheumatology can utilise virtual and augmented reality to improve the lives of patients. Listen now to hear about the current technological developments and what this means for future clinical practice! You can read this article [https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/kead534] in Rheumatology. …

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When We Fail

We each have a patient’s story that burns a hole into our memories and compels us to revisit the story again and again. For me that story is about Sean, a 38-year-old former Division I college football player who I met while he was lying in bed, dying of heart failure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10686640/ Jason Liebowitz, MDJason …

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Our Invisible Selves

Doctors often have aspects of their personal identities that are invisible to patients. How ought we act when encountering language or actions from patients that are hurtful to our inner selves?   Jason Liebowitz, MDJason Liebowitz, MD, completed his fellowship in rheumatology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he also earned his medical degree. He …

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A Glimpse into a Life

The high school gym was overflowing with people. There were scores of students, teachers, parents, and interested town residents milling about in the room. Most of the students were wearing white T-shirts emblazoned with the words “Community Awareness Night” written in red letters.   Jason Liebowitz, MDJason Liebowitz, MD, completed his fellowship in rheumatology at …

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Can Ankylosing Spondylitis Affect Your Heart?

Your risk of heart disease rises when you have AS. Here’s how to lower it. https://www.healthcentral.com/condition/ankylosing-spondylitis/ankylosing-spondylitis-and-heart-disease Jason Liebowitz, MDJason Liebowitz, MD, completed his fellowship in rheumatology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he also earned his medical degree. He is currently in practice with Skylands Medical Group, N.J.

The Many Forms of Arthritis

The inflammatory disease affects a quarter of U.S. adults and is a leading cause of disability. https://getmegiddy.com/many-forms-arthritis Jason Liebowitz, MDJason Liebowitz, MD, completed his fellowship in rheumatology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he also earned his medical degree. He is currently in practice with Skylands Medical Group, N.J.

Interview of Dr. Liebowitz on The Evidence Based Rheumatology Podcast

On The Evidence Based Rheumatology Podcast, Dr. Michael Putman interviewed Jason Liebowitz and Phil Seo about their new book entitled “Clinical Innovation in Rheumatology: Past, Present, and Future.” Dr. Putman notes that he thoroughly enjoyed the book and had a great time interviewing them about some of their “futuristic” topics. Grab the book (or better …

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Is Your Psoriatic Arthritis Doctor Right for You?

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) affects nearly 30 percent of people living with psoriasis, a chronic condition that causes inflammation in the body. While there’s no cure, there are safe and effective treatments to help reduce the pain, inflammation, and joint damage of PsA and improve your overall health — but only if you get proper medical care. As with any rheumatic condition, the earlier a patient with PsA …

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